All Thriving is Mutual

Thriving happens in the synergy of relationships, not in silos

Holly McCann
4 min readMay 9, 2024
Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash

The interest in regenerative farming, communities and business has grown significantly over the past five years.

There is an increasing awareness that our conventional models are outdated and unsustainable.

And yet, as a culture, we have a long way to go to shift out of our extractive practices and operate in a way that ensures the well-being of our planet and future generations.

{If you’re new to the concept, see What is Regenerative Leadership?}

Even the companies that are touting their regenerative practices, and building their businesses around regenerative products, are still primarily operating in ways that are extractive.

Peeking behind the curtain

I have found myself in several conversations with clients and fellow regenerative leaders recently where I’ve gotten to peek behind the curtain ~ where they’ve shared with me disheartening stories of their experiences with their clients’ or employers’ businesses.

These stories included numerous examples of companies with product lines that are labelled “regenerative” but aren’t interested in site visits with their suppliers to confirm their practices; operating in silos with no clear communication or coordination between departments; churning through a revolving door of employees; or only superficially dabbling in the regenerative space as a form of greenwashing to boost their marketing.

Even the most authentic and diligent companies in the regenerative space are still operating on their own, not integrating with their supply chains and stakeholders.

Photo by Stephen Pedersen on Unsplash

What’s really going on

Sometimes I catch myself being a bit judgy and thinking, “How can you understand how to grow nutrient-dense food and heal the soil with holistic practices and not see that these same principles apply to operating your business, including all the relationships with your team members and supply chain partners?”

And then I realize that the leaders of these organizations are {for the most part} not lacking in knowledge, character or a deep desire to make the world a better place. They are in all likelihood feeling stuck between worlds.

They are doing their best to stay afloat in an increasingly challenging economic environment. They are feeling extraordinary pressure to be competitive in the current market, attract funding, achieve profitability, provide returns to shareholders and repay debt.

They don’t want to negotiate lower prices with their suppliers. They wish they could pay their team members more, especially when so much is demanded of them. They want to express how much they value and appreciate everyone’s contributions. And they dream of operating in a highly sustainable, transparent way while making a meaningful impact.

But most days they feel like they’re running to keep pace on a treadmill that’s always moving faster and faster ~ one they dare not step off or they’ll be trampled.

How do we get there from here?

So what will it take? How do we actually transition out of scarcity-based business and into regenerative ecosystems that are rooted in nature’s principles of synergy and abundance?

Photo by by Sandra Seitamaa from Pexels

I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but I do know one thing:

It is impossible to be truly regenerative when trying to do it alone.

Given that we live in an intricately interconnected world, the key lies in mutually thriving relationships.

And that’s just it … all thriving is mutual.

By necessity, and by incredibly brilliant design, we do not get to thriving by operating in silos.

One person or organization cannot decide to suddenly stop operating in an inherently extractive system and hope to survive.

But a group of businesses, or an entire supply chain, coming together as a living ecosystem ~ working in synergy, transparency, authenticity, trust and mutual support? Absolutely!

It’s going to take a village a roundtable of courageous leaders who are ready and willing to operate differently.

If you’re reading this, you are one of the pioneers who is here to bring about this new paradigm of mutual thriving. Reach out and let’s connect!



Holly McCann

Founder & Vision Keeper of Grail Leadership, helping pioneering leaders and their businesses fulfill their mission and thrive in alignment with Nature.